

Technical name: Thiamethoxam 25% WG

Dotara is a broad spectrum systemic insecticide belonging to the second generation Neonicotinoid group. Dotara is absorbed quickly by the plants and thus controls sucking pests very effectively. Dotara due to its long residual effect provides long duration control of sucking pests. Dotara due to its translaminar activity kills the sucking pests hidden on the lower side of the leaves. Dotara also controls those insects which become resistant by commonly used insecticides. Dotara is compatible with commonly used insecticides and fungicides. Dotara due to its lower dose does not cause any harm to the environment. Dotara is suited for IPM, because it is safe for beneficial insects.


Cotton ,Paddy ,Tomato ,Mango


250 Gm – 300 Gm  / Ha


1 kg ,500 gm ,250 gm ,100 gm ,5 gm